Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 113-114 Kurikulum Merdeka: Activity 3. Find The Meaning of The Vovabularies - News

Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 113-114 Kurikulum Merdeka: Activity 3. Find The Meaning of The Vovabularies

- Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 113-114 Kurikulum Merdeka: Activity 3. Find The Meaning of The Vovabularies untuk dipelajari di rumah.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Halaman 92, 93 Buku Kurikulum Merdeka: Activity 1 Find The Synonym

Rangkuman contoh soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA halaman 113-114 Activity 3 tentang find the meaning of the vocabularies ini merupakan latihan yang terdapat di Buku Kurikulum Merdeka.

Bagi siswa siswi diharaokan contoh soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA halaman 113-114 Activity 3 tentang find the meaning of the vocabularies di Buku Kurikulum Merdeka ini dapat membantu pemahaman siswa dalam menyesaikan soal.

Baca Juga: Activity 3 Find The Meaning of The Vovabularies, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA Halaman 113-114 Kurikulum Merdeka

Contoh dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA halaman 113-114 Activity 3 tentang find the meaning of the vocabularies di Buku Kurikulum Merdeka:

Work In pairs, find the meaning of the following vocabularies. If you have difficulty, you can consult your dictionary. Number 1 has been done for you.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA Halaman 126 Kurikulum Merdeka: Activity 5 Opinion or Fact

1. Burn: Reduce calories
2. Weight: The amount of something heavy
3. Intensity: This refers to the extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling.
4. Cardiovascular: Refers to anything related to the heart and blood vessels. It is often used in medical contexts to describe conditions, diseases, or functions involving the heart and the circulatory system.
5. Stroke: Serious medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting the oxygen and nutrients it needs. This can lead to brain cells dying within minutes.

Check your comprehension. Answer the following questions. Number 1 has been done for you.

1. Why is jogging the easiest sport for everyone? Because this sport does not require a lot of costs to carry out.
2. What is the good side of jogging? Jogging can improve cardiovascular health and reduce stress
3. Is jogging not correlated with mental health? No, because jogging can help lower stress levels and improve your mood by releasing endorphins.
4. Why do several studies suggest people jogging as their sport? Because it will help us be healthy and can maintain our health mental.
5. Do all people burn about 100 calories every mile? No, it depends on the person.


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