Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban TOEFL Listening Exercise Skills 23-27 Long Talk: When Was the Day Known as Black Friday? - News

TOEFL Listening Exercise Skills 23-27 Comprehension Part C sebagai pemantapan materi Bahasa Inggris

- Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris ini dikutip dari TOEFL Listening Exercise Skills 23-27 Comprehension Part C sebagai bahan belajar.

Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban TOEFL Listening Exercise Skills 23-27 Comprehension Part C ini memuat materi tentang pertanyaan dan opsi jawaban berdasarkan audio yang diperdengarkan, misal 'Who is Ms. Martin talking to' dan 'When was the day known as Black Friday'.

Contoh soal dan kunci jawaban TOEFL Listening Exercise Skills 23-27 Comprehension Part C ini untuk menelaah tingkat pemahaman peserta didik tentang materi tersebut.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal dan Kunci Jawaban TOEFL Listening Exercise Skills 18-22: What is the Subject of this Conversation?

Comprehension Part C Long Talk

TOEFL Review Listening Exercise Skills 23-27: Listen to each complete talk and answer the questions that follow.

TALK ONE, Questions 1 through 4.

(Listen to a talk by a librarian.)

Hello and welcome to the library. I'm Ms. Martin, the assistant librarian and this is the library orientation tour for new graduate students in the business department.

If you are not a newly admitted graduate student or your major is not business, then you are in the wrong place.

Now let's get started. I'm sure you understand that as graduate students you will be required to do a tremendous amount of research.

Here at the library we try to make this process as easy as possible for you.

The library is open for extensive hours from 7 am until midnight seven days a week, so that you'll have access to library research facilities almost any time that you want.

During final exam week, the library is open 24 hours a day and there are Library staff members available to help you whenever the library is open.

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