Section 6 What Should I Do With These Books, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 160 Kurikulum Merdeka - News

English for Nusantara Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 160 Kurikulum Merdeka: What should I do with these books?

- Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 ini dikutip dari English for Nusantara SMP/MTs Kelas VIII karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk. edisi 2022 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 Section 6 halaman 160 ini memuat materi tentang based on the text what should I do with these books, answer the following questions.

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A. Read the tect below


Hello friends. I have so many old books in my room. I no longer read them. What should I do with these books?


- Shakila commented 'Do you like watching movies? I have some recommendations for you.'

- Agungibr commented 'Hi! You can make a mini library in your house. First, sort your books based on their types.

Then, prepare a mini bookshelf. You can make it from cardboard boxes.

Last, keep your books on the shelf orderly based on their types. Now, everyone can read them any time.'

- Purihijau commented 'I like books too but I like my phone more!! :D'

- Titalesta commented 'Hi there! I am from the Bina Karya orphanage. The orphanage accepts old book donations.

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