Write a Descriptive Paragraph About This Person, Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Halaman 52 Enrichment - News

Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 halaman 52: Enrichment, write a descriptive paragraph about this person

- Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 ini dikutip dari English for Nusantara SMP/MTs Kelas VII karya Ika Lestari Damayanti, dkk. edisi 2022 Kurikulum Merdeka.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 Enrichment halaman 52 ini memuat materi tentang write a descriptive paragraph about this person.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 halaman 52 Kurikulum Merdeka ini untuk menelaah tingkat pemahaman siswa tentang materi tersebut.

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Enrichment: Write one more

a. Think of the name of a popular person. It can be a singer, actor, actress, gamer, or youtuber.

b. Write a descriptive paragraph about this person.

c. Ask your friend to guess who you are describing and see if he/she guessed it correctly.

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Kunci jawaban:

1) He is a 60-year-old actor, who debuted in 1984. He is famous as a thousand-faced figure because he can play many characters slickly.

He has played the role of a chocolate factory owner, scissor-armed doll, detective, pirate, hat maker, vampire, and even a witch.

His most popular works are Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, Hatter in Alice in Wonderland, Gellert Grindelwald in Fantastic Beasts, and many more.

Answer: Of those traits, he is Johnny Depp.

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