Kurikulum Merdeka Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD/MI: Superlative Adjectives to Talk About People and Things - News

Ilustrasi mempelajari bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka

Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, siswa kelas 5 SD/MI akan diperkenalkan tentang superlative adjectives dalam materi berjudul The Elephant is the Biggest.

Adapun tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai siswa adalah sebagai berikut: 

  • Students are able to use superlative adjectives to talk about people, animals, and things

Dalam buku, siswa pun diarahkan untuk mengenal bagian Language Focus, yaitu:

  • is the deer the shortest? No, it is not
  • how is the cat compered to the giraffe? The cat is smaller than the giraffe
  • which is the tallest?
  • the giraffe is the tallest

Look and Say

  1. The giraffe is the tallest.
  2. The rabbit is th shortest.
  3. The elephant is the biggest.
  4. The mouse is the smallest.
  5. The ruler is the longest.
  6. The pencil is the shortest.
  7. Cici's grandma is the oldest.
  8. Lili is the youngest.
  9. The bag is the oldest.
  10. The tie is the newest.
  11. The bear is the fattest.
  12. The monkey is the thinnest.
  13. The pair of shoes are the cheapest.
  14. The bag is the most expensive.

Look and Write

1. Is the deer the shortest?

- No, it is not. 

How is the cat compared to the giraffe?

- The cat is shorter than the giraffe?

Which is the tallest?

- The giraffe is the tallest.

2. Is the buffalo the biggest?

- Yes, it is.

How is the horse compared to the mouse?

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