Kurikulum Merdeka Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD/MI: Identify Features of People, Animals, and Objects - News

Ilustrasi mempelajari materi bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD/MI Kurikulum Merdeka

Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, siswa kelas 5 SD/MI akan diajarkan mengenai identifikasi fitur orang, hewan, dan benda serta kata sifat dalam materi berjudul How Tall Are You.

Adapun tujuan pembelajaran yang harus dicapai siswa adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Students are able to identify features of people, animals, and common everyday objects
  • Students are able to use adjectives to describe people, animals, and common everyday objects

Dalam buku, siswa pun diarahkan untuk mengenal bagian Language Focus, yaitu:

  • the giraffe is tall, but the deer is short
  • tall, short, old, young, big, small, fast, slow, new, old, expensive, cheap

Look and Say

1. The giraffe is tall, but the deer is short.

2. The elephant is big, but the goat is small.

3. Grandfather is old, but Cici is young.

4. The horse is fast, but the snail is slow.

5. The purple shoes are new, but the blue shoes are old.

6. The book is expensive, but the pencil is cheap.

Point the picture and describe it!

Ilustrasi permainan: tunjuk gambar dan deskripsikan
Ilustrasi permainan: tunjuk gambar dan deskripsikan

Make Sentences

How does an elephant look?

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